I have been fortunate to have worked with many elderly people during my life that have shared their gardening tips and tricks with me.
My garden is an experiment as much as anything. We have 5 acres of land which was once a quarry. The site is on a slope and half of it has been scalped by machinery. It has a combination of soils and surfaces spread over it including sand, clay, limestone, bedrock and the lovely red terra rosa dirt.
My main experiment is to grow the gardens and revegetate it only on rainfall.
We are fortunate to average 750ml a year, but that is an average since 1923. In 2006, we only had 485ml, and was the year I began planting. I have hedged my bets and planted shrubs and trees in the well draining areas that only need 200-400ml per year, similar to Adelaide; and indigenous species and vegetable gardens and orchard where the soil is richer and deeper.
Hi Linda, I did not realise you had a blog! I have just read through all of it and I love it, especially the tip about citrus touching.The two best doers of my 7 citrus are touching each other! If you are available I would like to enlist your advice once we start our garden at St Clare.