I'd left quite a gap when the fence was put up for a decent gate. A new farm gate costs around a hundred bucks here in South Australia and I thought thats a bit much for a vegie patch.
I have an area in my garden for "inherited" items that can be repurposed or "upcycled" ! Really, its just a pile of junk but it always comes in handy. I'm sure I inherited this trait from from grandad who in later years "tied it up with wire" or surrounded it with shadecloth.
You may not recognise it but my garden gate was a trampoline in a past life. Made to measure, and with a wheel to take the weight, my garden gate serves several purposes.
1. Its a gate. It keeps things out and keeps things in. It keeps the roos and rabbits out and keeps the dog in when the chooks are out.
2. It allows me great access with a wheelbarrow or cart. I can pull my car right up to it and unload chook food or a trailer load of sheep manure.
3. With the timber slats it stops the strong southerly winds from over the hill into the garden while still allowing a good breeze through for air flow.
4. I sometimes use it as a dying rack and hook or hang herbs etc over it.